Why people commit suicides ? Reasons behind Suicide


reason, suicide,

In the previous post on suicides, "Suicides are increasing at the rate of 7% in India", I discussed how people are resorting to suicide and its rate is increasing fast. It is bad news for any society and country if suicides are increasing because it tells us that everything is not right deep within the society. So, we need to take all possible steps to stop this increase in suicides because we are losing so many precious lives. Today, we will see the reasons which are responsible for the increasing number of suicides in our society.

Mental Health Issues: First and foremost is the ailing mental health of people. Mental health disorders can be profoundly debilitating. Conditions like depression and anxiety can cloud an individual's perception, making them believe that there's no way out of their emotional pain. They may struggle to envision a future free from suffering.

Feelings of Hopelessness: When people don't get enough encouragement in life they start feeling hopeless. Due to this feeling people feel trapped in a cycle of distress, which can create an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. This feeling may stem from various sources, such as chronic health problems, unmanageable debt, or the loss of a loved one. It's like being stuck in a dark tunnel with no visible exit.

Social Isolation:  It may look like we are getting connected on social media but in reality, we are becoming isolated with no real friends. Loneliness can amplify the emotional burden. A lack of social support can make it even harder for someone to share their feelings, thoughts, or fears. Isolation can be both a cause and a consequence of suicidal thoughts.

Trauma and Abuse: Survivors of trauma and abuse often carry deep emotional scars. These experiences can lead to persistent pain, nightmares, flashbacks, and intense guilt or shame. Over time, these burdens can become unbearable.

Substance Abuse: Many individuals turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with their emotional turmoil but these things instead of solving their problems increase them further because of addictions and other health issues. Substance abuse can cloud judgment, lower inhibitions, and increase impulsivity, which can lead to suicidal actions.

Access to Lethal Means: Easy access to methods of self-harm, such as firearms or medications, significantly heightens the risk. When someone is in crisis, the availability of these means can turn a fleeting thought into a tragic action.

Family History: We are likely to be influenced by the DNA of our parents. A family history of suicide or mental health issues can increase one's susceptibility. Genetic and environmental factors often play a role in these cases. So in such cases, we need to be extra careful in dealing with these people. 

Cultural and Societal Factors: Cultural attitudes and societal stigma surrounding mental health and suicide can discourage individuals from seeking help. This stigma can exacerbate feelings of shame and isolation. Our society doesn't support people who are weak or failed in life thus making their lives more difficult. 

Economic and Environmental Factors: Economic hardships, job loss, and environmental disasters can trigger or worsen mental health issues. Financial stressors, in particular, can intensify feelings of despair. Despite all the efforts to make the lives of ordinary people easy and stress-free they still struggle with many hardships and sometimes, these hardships are too much for them to handle. 

It's crucial to understand that these factors often interact and compound each other, making it challenging for individuals to cope. Recognizing the signs of suicide risk and promoting open conversations about mental health can help mitigate these factors. Encouraging people to seek professional help and providing a supportive network can save lives. Remember, empathy, active listening, and understanding are powerful tools in suicide prevention.
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