Why do we lose enthusiasm in life with age and time?


After a long time when we meet a person then the first thing we notice in that person is a loss of enthusiasm towards life. Why this happens and why do we start losing enthusiasm in the older days of our life. In this post, we will try to find these answers. Today, I will talk about enthusiasm, an essential thing to get success in life. Enthusiasm gives us the power to achieve many unattainable goals. Without it, it is even very hard to think about accomplishing many things in life. However, I have noticed that with time as we grow old, we start losing the enthusiasm we used to have in our earlier years. At that point, nothing seems to look difficult or impossible anymore. The mind and body were full of so much positive energy to do the unimaginable things. However, with age, we start accepting the outcomes as they come rather than working to change them. But it is not a good habit, and we need to change it for the betterment of our life. 

Our enthusiasm should not be dependent on age or external factors, but it should be always present inside us. Many times, we need to start again in life and do the same test again which we passed earlier. With the passing of time and age, we feel struggled to face those exams of life again. Earlier, we faced and passed those exams because we were enthusiastic. Today, we fear because we lack enthusiasm. Actually, enthusiasm has not gone anywhere but actually we have stopped trusting ourselves. We still have a powerful mind and body, and we can manifest ourselves with them. At older ages also many people have achieved many things which looked unachievable to others because they were enthusiastic about their work. 

Enthusiasm always remains inside us and with time, we stop trusting it. If we have forgotten about the enthusiasm in life then we can learn its lessons again from the small kids because they are always very enthusiastic about their work and new things. Therefore, they always remain ready to explore new things and situations. We can also add enthusiasm to our life by making changes in our mindsets and by adding positive thinking in life. No one can stop a positive thinker and enthusiastic person from doing anything in life. So don't allow your age to stop you from achieving great things in life. 

Also read - Do I am the same person that I see in the mirror?

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