My Review - The Home Doctor Book (A must for people living isolated or have medical conditions)


Home Doctor, Book, Review,

Books are always a good friend of any person because they give us lots of knowledge. I love books and have read many so far because every time I read a book, I learn many new things from it. You can read some of the book reviews of the books, I have read so far at Today, I will talk about one of the famous books 'The Home Doctor - Practical medicine for every household'. We all know that there are many natural medicines available around us or in our kitchen but the problem is that we don't have knowledge about them and due to this ignorance, we fail to get their benefit when needed. We can solve many of our illnesses and health issues by using the herbs or spices available in our homes in the kitchen. 

Here comes the help of this book which educates its readers very well about many of such things available in their vicinity. It further teaches the reader about essential medicines that they should always keep handy at home because these common medicines can save a person's life in deadly medical conditions like a heart attack. Many people die across the world because the people around them have no knowledge about essential medicines. I liked this book because it explains very well to its reader about the natural and essential drugs like which medicines to always keep at home, what are the natural alternatives available to us and How we can find many alternate medicines at home etc. 

I have always given importance to health and you can read it in my articles series of 'Success Mantras'. In the second chapter of Success mantras, I have clearly explained the importance of Good health for any individual. We can only keep good health when we have proper knowledge about a good diet and this book deal with this issue too. Thus we find 'The Home Doctor' book dealing with all the necessary things a person needs to know to save his life or save the lives of others. This book is written by Maybell Nevies of Venezuela who created many new views to treat people after the collapse of Venezuela's economy. Therefore his methods are very successful in treating people in a lot of less expensive ways. 

He tells us through his book that we can save many patients through medicines which are actually very inexpensive. All that matter is the availability of the right knowledge at the right time. This book becomes more important for people who live far away or those who do not have good health facilities available. This book has many important things like recognising a heart attack because in many cases heart attacks remain unrecognised and therefore person fails to get the right treatment at the right time. His book even tells us that which medicines we may take in an emergency even if they are expired.  

The other good thing about this book is that it is written in very friendly language that every person gets no difficulty understanding the meaning stored in it. This book can find a place in every home because it holds the potential to save many lives in the world. 

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