In the last lesson on Success Mantras, I discussed the importance of hard work and how hard work always pays. Today, I will share with you another important key ingredient for achieving great success in life. I will discuss with you the role of control in our lives and why it is important to have control over the situations and circumstances than being controlled by them.
Often, we find people who are under the control of situations and circumstances prevailing in their lives, and mostly, there is nothing in their control. Such people's lives are shaped by the outer forces which make them whatever they wanted them to become. By living such lives, no one can think about achieving great success in life because they hardly have any control over their lives.
Therefore, it is very important in life to have control in our hands than surrendering it to the others or external circumstances. Everyone wants to have control over their lives but only a few great leaders succeed in achieving this goal. When a person can't have control over his life than how he can control the situations or circumstances of his life.
Most of the time, we either ignore the importance of control or we don't bother to know who has the actual control. We can only make things work for our success when we have full control over them. When our level of control decreases in life then the chances of positive results also decrease. Under this situation, most of people blame fate for their failures but they don't realize that lack of control in life is the main reason behind their failure.
Now it depends on you that you want to be controlled or you want to control. Many people don't have the idea about the role played by the control in making us a success or failure.
The best point of all great leaders of the world is that they knew well how to control the external circumstances and make them favorable.
How to start taking control of life?
The next question in your mind will be how to take control in your hands. The answer may vary from people to people but the first thing is to realize that who is in control in your life, it is you or the outer circumstances because most of the people don't realize this thing. The second thing is to start taking back control of your life by focusing on the area where it is missing.

Without control in life, every person is a puppet of the external circumstances. Many smart people use this weakness of people to exploit them and make them work for them.
When you will have control of your life in your own hands then no one will be able to exploit you or stop you from reaching your goals.
I hope that this article will help you to achieve success in life.
Go to Success Mantra - Lesson 1