The saddest part of the life of many people is that they die before realizing that life is very short and for many things, they will not get a second chance. Life passes very fast and no one knows for sure that how much time he or she has got with them. Generally, no one tells this secret to us because they themselves don't know. Death comes so fast that most of us are unaware of it. When a child is born then he doesn't bothered about death because of his limited intelligence. When he becomes adult, he feels that he has the whole life in front of him.
He chooses a carrier and starts working hard to achieve goals of his life. Soon, he becomes so busy in all this that he doesn't get time to realize that life is fast moving out of his hands. Only on the deathbed, he gets few seconds to think about the biggest mistake of his life. I am not suggesting you that you should not work hard or choose a carrier. I am only suggesting you be aware of the life going out of your hands. When you are aware of this fact then you make the choices accordingly and correctly so that you don't regret anything on your deathbed.
Mostly, people die crying with so many things they never did when they had the time. When we die nothing goes with us and within seconds our whole existence ceases to exist. No one can avoid death as it is the permanent truth of life. Life may not be permanent but death is; however, we worry more about a non-permanent thing and mostly forgets about a permanent thing. Life is a beautiful gift given by God to every person, but large numbers of people don't value the importance of this gift.
Read Quote with Meaning on Life
Life is a one time chance, we all have got in present form so it up to us to make it better or worse. Wealth and recognitions are important things but they are much less important than life because we can earn wealth and recognition anytime but we are never going to get a second chance with the life.