Bangladesh Crisis - Are any lessons for India?

Bangladesh, crisis, lessons, India,

 In the recent past, we have seen many changes in the governments of our neighbouring countries. In countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, the highest leaders were forced out of the country by the public. These kinds of developments are also crucial for India because these nations share borders with India and any instability in these countries can cause problems for India. We are already familiar with the LTTE and Indian Mujahaddin stories from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh respectively. When the countries in our vicinity are weak then they also pose a threat to the security and stability of India. The high levels of corruption and non-proper governance are some of the key reasons behind these developments. 

Most big political leaders or heads of nations try to control the people by hook or crook. Common people suffer because of the bad rule of these leaders and when their sufferings become very high then they resort to violence and change. Many other factors contribute towards the current situation like external interference and religious hatred. We give too much praise to the handicapped democratic systems present in these countries. But we forget to assess how much actual democracy is present in reality. Just by claiming oneself democratic, one can't become a good democracy. When political leaders become strong then they try to curtail the powers of democracy for their benefit and rule. 

In today's world, people can't be controlled by force because they are very much vigilant about their rights. To not repeat the mistakes of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, the leaders and politicians of India need to work in the best possible way to address the common needs and demands of the public. When millions of people are suffering for common needs then increasing economies are of no good to them. Corruption is still a major issue in all the nations of the world because human greed sometimes takes over other important issues. It is becoming more and more important to work for the welfare of people so that they can feel happy and about themselves and not resort to vandalism. 

The pressure of life is increasing very fast on people because of high levels of stress in common life and increasing difficulty in living day-to-day life. 

When the quality of the life of common people is not increasing in any nation then that nation is always at the risk of people's revolt. Hopefully, our leaders will understand the lessons which they need to understand so that they can make India a more progressive and happy nation for everyone. 

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