How to remove bad energy or black magic from our home?

negative energy, bad energy, black magic,

 In the last post on Black magic, "Does black magic really exist?" I discussed in detail related to black magic and bad energies. You also might have observed differences in energies in some places. Some places are quite calm and filled with positive energy while some other places give us very strange feelings. I don't want to say that there is always black magic associated with each such location but I want to say that we all must have noted such differences. Many times, we see a person starts living in a new home then suddenly strange or bad things start happening to him. There may be many reasons behind these things but bad or negative energy can be one. I discussed in detail my experience with black magic in the article listed above. In my life, I have gone through many situations and circumstances including sudden deaths, sudden losses, and many more. 

During that phase of my life, I found that some kind of negative energy has trapped me, and it was the reason behind all this. People spend a lot of money on removing bad energies and black magic. Bad energy is something about which I am very sure that it exists and it is important for us to remove it from our lives to live a good life. On the topic of black magic, I am not so sure though, it is very common. Actually, our success and happiness attract the jealousy and bad energy of others. 

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Sometimes, such jealous people even restore to black magic-like tricks to destroy us. Therefore, we should be cautious and take some steps to remove bad energies or black magic from our lives. The solutions I am going to tell you are very simple and are based on my experience. I found them very effective and I hope that they will help you too. 

1) Do Yajna (Hawan) to Purify the Surrounding - Take cow dung balls or coal and burn it. Add high-quality Hawan Samagri to it. We can easily buy it from a local store or online. Then add camphor and Seti Saron (Yellow mustard seeds) to it. Now spread this smoke to all the surrounding areas where you feel negativity. This is a continuous process and you should do it regularly for some time before seeing any benefits. When we do havan then we clean the surrounding air because all the ingredients, I told you are associated with cleaning the air. 

2) Power of Mantras - Mantras have great power stored in them. Many people around the world have tested the powers of different mantras. When we chant mantras or listen to them then these mantras create a protective layer around us that saves us from negative and bad energies. You can read the previous post 'How to remove negative energy with Mahamrityunjaya mantra' to learn in detail about the power of this matter and how it saves us from bad energies. Like this mantra, there are many mantras present that can help us in getting rid of the negative energies around us. 

3) Burn Camphor - Camphor itself has a very good aroma and powerful properties to clean the surrounding. We can buy good quality camphor for this purpose. The best way to burn camphor is to use a Camphor lamp as these lamps work as night lamps plus give us the fragrance of camphor constantly. You can find many options of camphor lamps in the market and online. A small amount of camphor is enough for the whole day-long fragrance. Pure camphor has mood-uplifting properties and it burns without any residue. 

4) Put an Iron knife below your pillow or bed - It is believed that bad energies fear iron and they don't disturb you in sleep when you have an iron knife below your bed or pillow. You should also try to wear something made of iron if possible like an iron bangle, ring, etc. 

5) Put a glass filled with Salt - First take an empty glass and fill it with water. Now add two tablespoons of salt to it. Now put this glass in a place where you feel the presence of negative energy but this glass needs to be hidden from others. After seven days, you need to change this water and through the old water away from your home. It is believed that salt has the properties to absorb negative energy. Generally, all kinds of salts are effective for this job but for better results, you can use Energised Vastu Salt

6) Positive Mental Attitude - Whatever may be the situation but you should not fear anything and always keep your focus on positive thinking. It is scientifically proved that negative or bad energies affect those people more who are weak-minded or those who think negatively about everything. You can read the previous post 'Power of Positive Thoughts' to learn more on this topic. 

7) Burning Guggul - Guggal is a naturally occurring plant gum and like camphor, it is also believed to remove negative energies from our home. Instead of buying Guggal, we can also use guggal dhoop or insane sticks which are made from guggal. You can also add guggal to the havan instead of burning it alone. It has some peculiar small which anyone can recognize from a distance. Burning guggal in any way increases our protection circle and remove the obstruction causing bad energies from our surrounding. 

8) Power of Music - Thanks to platforms like Youtube, we can find many kinds of music online like instrumental music, reiki music, etc, which are specifically designed to remove negative energies. Some of these kinds of music are highly effective in inducing positive effects and removing the any of negative energies. I found them very helpful and effective, and hope that they will help you too.  

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