Today, English has emerged as a global language because of wide presence of it around the world. Therefore, in countries where English is not a native language, people try to learn English so that they can increase their reach of communication. However, for the people who are born in countries where English is not a native language, it is not an easy task to become proficient in English because of many complexities of English Language and lack of hold on English Vocabulary.
The First part in speaking or understanding English is to have good knowledge of English words. However, the problem is that there are so many English Words (around 1,70,000 words with new words added every day). So it is very difficult for any person to remember all these words.
The good news is that no one needs to remember so many words because as per research a person with a vocabulary of 3000 words can read and write 95% of Stuff in English. Therefore, it is not a big task and we all can achieve this much level of vocabulary.
Today, I will show you two methods to easily and correctly remember and understand the English words. Mostly, we make mistakes in writing English because of the wrong pronunciation of most of the words.
To write a word correctly, it is very important to pronounce it correctly. I too born in a country where English is not a native language; therefore, I struggled quite a long to increase my English Skills.
The two methods, I am going to tell you have helped me a lot and I hope that they will help you too.
1) First look for the root word in the Word- There are many words in English which are made around some words e.g. committee, commitment etc. In these words, the root word is commit.
Now you need to remember the words committee and commitment as
commit + tee = committee and commit + ment = commitment
This is a simple example, you can do same to all the words where you can find a root word. By using this method, you can easily and correctly remember many English words.
2) Break the word in small segments-
From the above example, you can see that I broke the words into two words so that it becomes easier for you to remember. You can do the same for all words, even if you don't find any root word in them.
This method of breaking a word into small segments help us to easily and correctly remember a word because as per research, our mind remembers small words (words of two to four characters) fast than the large words.
E.g. you can break Caffeine word into Ca + ffe + ine
you can break Conscious into Cons + cious
and Achieve into Achi + eve
By using these two methods and with some practice, you can easily and correctly increase your vocabulary within a limited.