From my childhood, I have noticed one thing in people that blind faith and superstition are very common in most parts of India. The blind faith in people is so strong that they don't want to accept the truth even it is brought in front of their eyes. After spending so many years of my life, I still find many people highly dipped in blind faith and superstition. Blind faith can be of many types and it can be on fake Babas, orthodox beliefs or black magic.
I hope that nobody must have forgotten the women hair cutting episode reported from many parts of India. This news recreated a lot of panic among the common people and soon, the number of such news from different parts of India increased. Due to superstition, people started blaming all this on a witch, and the crowd even killed an old woman because they thought she is a witch.
The recent episode of Baba Ram Rahim is another example of the blind faith of people on fraud Babas. This fake guru was sentenced to 20 years rigorous punishment, however, his blind followers restored to violence and caused damaged to public and private property in protest to the judgment. To stop the agitating people, police opened fire and more than 30 people got killed and around 1000 got injured.
On the other hand, this fake Baba was making lots of money by fooling his innocent followers who once had blind faith in him. As more investigations are coming into light, we are learning many new tricks used by him to increase his wealth. This Baba followed no law, and authorities found many irregularities in his ashram. He was running some illegal factories and he has his own currency.
When such Babas don't follow the right path in life, then how they can tell their followers to move on the right path and do good things in life. But strangely, still there are many people who don't want to accept this truth and they believe that their Guru is innocent.
I believe that there is some issue is our conditioning and from childhood, we are forced to move on the path which is surrounded by blind faith and superstition. Even today, education has failed to reach many people in India and moreover, there are no such topics added in schools education which can tell students about the dangers of blind faith and superstition.
The main blame of all this must be put on our leaders and politicians who use such Babas and fake Gurus for their benefit.
Unless we are able to eradicate the poison of Blind faith and superstition from our system, we can't hope to create a good society.
Also, visit- Modern Fake Saints
ReplyDeleteYes it is true that blind faith and superstition is too much in India and the
Government should take the responsibility to eradicate it and take some preventive
Hope people of India will realise their folly of superstition.