Last week three of my websites come under a cyber attack and started redirecting people to spammy websites. Things come to my notice within few hours and I took all my sites down as a precautionary measure. After proper inspection of the site code, I found that this was caused an external third party Javascript, which I added to make it easy for users to share my site content on social media. So, I immediately removed the code causing this problem from my sites and even decided to remove many of such other external codes to make my sites more secure and safe for readers.
I decided to took it further and shifted all my domains to a secure server so that they can remain secure in the challenging cyber world. Now all my domains and sites are served over the https and it doesn't allow others to steal the user's data or harm users. Initially, https sites were developed for the sites where financial transaction take place; however, due to the ever increasing cyber attacks, it has become important to use https protocol for all the websites.
Today, it is very important to reduce the dependence on the external codes or scripts to run your sites because they open a door for the hackers to attack your site and its users. Google has done this with the AMP pages which don't use external JavaScripts and codes to open fast. Internat is changing once again and we heading for more cleaners and safer users experience; however, all this will take lots of time.
Https sites send and receive all data over the secure protocol; therefore it becomes difficult for hackers or others to steal it. If you want to know more about Http and Https then you can read Difference between Http and Https. Cyber security is becoming a bigger concern because cyber attacks are increasing very fast. Such attackers can do anything to make money and they don't care the problems faced by online users because of them. Today, cyber threats have moved much beyond than the virus attacks and we need to update ourselves if we want to stay safe in the cyber world.
I have learned many things after these attacks and I changed my things in last few days so that no one can cause any harm to my sites and readers. It is also advisable to all the online users to prefer the sites with https for secure online browsing.