In the previous article on Goals, Don't stop before you reach your goals, I shared with you that one should not stop before reaching his goal in life. Today, I will talk about why you fail to achieve your goals.
Every person in this world has many dreams and goals which he wants to fulfil; however, we all know that only a fraction of people succeed in achieving what they wanted to achieve. Why it is so? When so many people have dreams and goals for life, then why do only a few succeed. Here is the answer, only a few succeed in life because only a few put all their efforts to succeed and they have the patience to wait until the end. Most people don't do justice to the dreams or goals, they deserve. Whatever, we may say or blame fate or other factors; however, the real ingredient for any success is hard work and continuous efforts. You need to have a never to quit attitude towards your dreams or goals if you want to see them fulfilled. But, sadly, most people lack this approach and they easily abandon their dreams and goals after a few failures only.
Today, most of people want fast success; therefore, they look for shortcuts or other easy mediums to achieve their goals. By doing so they put so much disrespect to their goals and dreams. Moreover, people don't hold to their dreams and instead of working hard, they prefer to change their goals. Now, if you are loyal to your dreams or goals, then your dreams or goals will not be loyal to you. We need to remember one thing all successes which are achieved with shortcut or wrong methods do not last long and even creates problems in the long run. The only best option available in front of you is to improve yourself so that you can become the best in your field and no one can stop you from success.
Success automatically comes to those who deserve it, so do make yourself the best deserving candidate for success. I will not say that fate has no role in making you successful or a failure; however, its role is limited. Fate may delay your success; however, it can't stop you from reaching your goal. It is wrong to blame fate when the real issue is within us. We must take responsibility for what is our life and work in a direction to improve all our shortcomings. With each and every improvement in your skills, you come closer to your dreams.
The other reasons for your failures are fear. Fear is a barrier which stops you from reaching your goals. Unconsciously, we give more energy to our fears than our dreams. We must reverse this habit and start trusting our dreams more than our fears. In this way, we can energize our dreams and gets the motivation to achieve them.
I hope that you have liked my answer and now, it is up to you whether you want to blame fate or want to put in extra effort to achieve your goals.