Modern alternatives for the Tradition Musical instruments
In the past, we needed musical instruments as per the need of sound. So, more the sounds we need to create a good music more are the musical instruments required to achieve this. Therefore, it was a quite difficult job for the musicians of the past because it was very difficult to arrange all experts of each musical instrument. Thanks to the modern innovations and technology, we are getting very smart and it is becoming possible to get the maximum sounds of many traditional musical instruments from a single electronic instrument.
Here, I didn't want to undermine the importance of traditional musical instruments because they are gems of music. But, I want to say that our job has become easy to create a good music with the help of a few people and a few musicians. One of such instrument is melodica which is the easiest modern musical instrument to get the sounds and melodies providing by traditional harmonica. This modern machine is much easier to operate and it has a much wider range as compared to traditional musical instrument. Not only, we get a good music range from these electronic musical instruments, but they also create more clear and accurate digital sounds. Hence, we are seeing much improvement in the music quality over the time. Today to create a good music, we don't need hundreds of people, but all this can be done by a few only.