10 Ultimate learnings from the Shri Bhagwad Gita


Bhagwad Gita,Gita,

In every home of Hindus in India, it is common to find the holy book of Shri Bhagwad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as the Gita is a sacred Hindu scripture that contains profound teachings and philosophical insights. In my home also, I have always found this holy book placed in the Puja room. Initially, I was not aware of the great knowledge stored in this book but I learned through external sources that this book contains the greatest knowledge for mankind given by God himself. After reading, the holy book of Gita, I found that this book is much more than a religious book and offers great learning to live a happy and satisfactory life in the world. Gita is also one of the best motivational books in the world and will always remain the best. It motivates every human being to keep moving forward on his path of action and never fear anything in life. This book is a great guiding force to live a good life in this world. The amazing thing is that a book which is written many hundred years back is still very relevant and it will always remain relevant because it understands human psychology very well. Many big leaders, famous business and great personalities have improved their lives by reading Shri Bhagwad Gita. Here are some important learnings that can be derived from the Bhagavad Gita for you.

1) Dharma and Duty: The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the importance of fulfilling one's duty or dharma. A person who does not perform his duties well is doing a great sin. It teaches that every individual has specific responsibilities and obligations in life, and it is essential to perform them sincerely and selflessly. A person who does perform his duties well always lives a fulfilling and satisfactory life. 

2) Selfless Action: It is the common habit of every individual that he starts thinking about the rewards even before starting his actions. This action leads to unhappiness when they fail to accomplish their goals. The Gita promotes the idea of selfless action, where one performs their duties without attachment to the results. It teaches that focusing on the action itself, rather than the outcomes, leads to a more peaceful and fulfilling life. 

3) Balance and Moderation: The Gita emphasizes the importance of balance in life. It advises individuals to avoid extremes and practice moderation in all aspects, including thoughts, actions, and desires. Striking a balance leads to harmony and a more meaningful existence. 

4) Detachment: The Gita teaches the concept of detachment from the fruits of one's actions. It encourages individuals to perform their duties without getting attached to the outcomes or being driven by desires. Detachment helps in maintaining equanimity and reducing suffering. When we detach ourselves from our actions then we become a person who never takes the credit of the outcomes of his actions. 

5) Inner Self and Realization: The Gita explores the nature of the inner self or the soul (Atman) and its connection to the ultimate reality (Brahman). It encourages individuals to seek self-realization through self-discipline, self-control, and spiritual practices. We all come from the ultimate God and finally go back to him. When we realise this concept then we get a great realisation about our inner self which is our true self. 

6) Resilience and Perseverance: The Gita teaches the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges. It emphasizes that difficulties and obstacles are an inherent part of life, and one should not be discouraged by them but continue to strive and fulfil their duties. I have already told above that Gita is the most motivational book in the world and reading it gives power to people to face many difficult situations in life. 

7) Equality and Universal Brotherhood: Today in the world, we see a great division in people about their social, religious and financial conditions. This is positive to what Gita promotes as it promotes the idea of equality and universal brotherhood. It teaches that all beings are interconnected and should be treated with respect and compassion, regardless of social status, caste, or creed. 

 8) Yoga and Meditation: The Gita expounds various paths of yoga, including karma yoga (path of selfless action), bhakti yoga (path of devotion), and jnana yoga (path of knowledge). It highlights the significance of meditation and self-reflection as a means to attain spiritual growth and self-realization. 

9) Transience and Impermanence: The Gita emphasizes the impermanence of the physical world and the transient nature of life. It encourages individuals to focus on the eternal and unchanging aspects of existence, such as the soul, rather than getting attached to temporary material possessions. 

10) Divine Guidance: The Gita suggests seeking divine guidance and surrendering to a higher power. It teaches that by cultivating a relationship with the divine through devotion and surrender, one can find guidance, solace, and liberation from the cycle of birth and death which should be the ultimate goal of any individual. 

 It's important to note that the Bhagavad Gita is a complex and profound text that can be interpreted in various ways. Different individuals may derive different insights and learnings based on their personal understanding and spiritual journey.
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