Yesterday, I got a chance to watch Disney's movie "Beauty and the Beast" released earlier this year. Disney is known to make many such movies based on classic love stories which take everyone to a fantasy world. Though, the story of the movie was already known to me; however, still, I enjoyed watching it. It was a wonderful classic love story which highlights the strong and weak points of an every human being. I believe that there exist both beautiful and ugly parts inside a human being and our whole life is a struggle to find the real part.
The story of the movie is all about an arrogant and selfish prince who has become a beast due to a curse. Now, he can only return to his original shape and look when we find the true love of his life. Beauty and the Beast is an old story and we can find many versions of this story with a slight variation. However, the basic message in all these stories is same and we find two main characters of a beast and a beautiful woman. In the movie, this story was perfectly conveyed and we see a good use of graphics and animation to make things look real.
I will recommend this movie to all because it is a nice movie and well entertaining. Emma Watson has performed very well in this movie and she is very beautiful.The direction of Bill Condon is also superb and he has created one of the best "Beauty and the Beast" movies. It is the story of our lives, how we fail to see the beast present inside a person? Life is all about enhancing the inner beauty while decreasing the inner beast.
A good woman has the power to make any man (beast from inside) into a good human being. Therefore, we all need to find our true love who can save us from becoming a beast. At the end, I will say that "Beauty and the Beast" is a well-made movie with a great message to the society despite being made many times earlier.