Today, Russia decided to quit ICC (International Criminal Court) based in the Hague, Netherland. This is a big setback to the UN and to all people looking for a single and powerful court for the whole world which has more powers than the individual nations. ICC came into existence 14 years back in 2002 and 124 countries have signed treaty to obey its rules.
Russia said that in last 14 years, ICC has failed to fulfill its purpose with only four sentences and cost of maintaining it is very high (in billions). ICC is treated as the court of last resort and nations reach here with cases related to genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes. Russia was angry with ICC for its latest report on Crimea (a Ukrainian territory held by Russia from after the 2014 Ukrain-Rusia crisis).
Russia claims that the majority of people of Crimea wants to remain with Russia and it is the people of Crimea who have separated from Ukrain. Rusia is also under pressure for its operations in Syria and few world leaders like French president Francois Hollande said that Russia should be tried in the ICC for its war crimes in Syria.
At this point, it is difficult to tell which side is correct; however, one thing is clear that this move of Russia will weaken the whole motive of ICC.