In my post "The Skills you need to Earn Money Online", I highlighted that it is very important to be a good writer to earn money online because you are required to create lots of content online on the daily basis. When you can't write well, then you can't attract an online audience and hence very less chances that you will make any money online. In this post, I will give you some tips and suggestions to become a good writer or how to write well. These tips will provide you great help in sharpening your writing skills and become a good writer.
"Only a content which is well written can work well online."
"Even mediocre talent, when combined with fixity of purpose and regular industry will, surely, result in gratifying success
Tips to become a good writer :
2) Good Writers understand the importance of their time and do not waste it. When they are not writing they make notes for future. Keeping a diary and writing all your ideas in it can provide lots of writing material for the future.
3) Successful writers can write at any time. They can wake up early in the morning, write in the launch breaks or can write when everyone sleeps. It is up to us when we want to write.
4) They are not disturbed by the disturbances; however, they are merged deep into their thoughts. This attribute may not true for everyone, therefore you can try to write in a place which has less disturbance. Try to not face the window while writing because it can derail your train of thoughts.
5) Good writers work steadily. They have not achieved everything in minutes. A consistent and hard work is behind it.
6) Your ideas and inspirations for writing must come from inside like the most of successful writers.
7) There is no substitute for sitting down and writing. The human brain is like a car engine, it works more when warmed up.
8) Sometime due to enthusiasm, we overdo things which cause writer's blocks. When you go through this phase, then no new idea comes into your mind. Every writer, including many successful writers also suffers from it. The main way of coming out of it is to stop writing for a little time and come back again afresh.
9) Always remain open for the feedback of your writer, do improve on the points which others suggest you.
10) Do read the books of good writers, try to understand how they express their ideas so well.
11) If English is not your native language, then do use translation tool to practice by translating sentences from your native language to English and vice versa.