I hope that you are enjoying this series of articles which highlights key factors helpful in getting success in life. In the Success Mantra 6 - Importance of Confidence, we talked about confidence and how confidence is useful for getting success in life. Today, we will talk about the art of listening and how we mostly ignore this rule which is very-2 essential to attain success in life.
The basic problem with most of us is that we want to speak and only speak. If we try to calculate the percentage of people who are good listeners then it will come out to be very less because we all have so much to say that we have no space left for listening. This is the story of every person in this world. However, a number of times, it has been proved in the world that the art of listening can provide great help to any person. I myself have gained many friends in the world without uttering a single word with the help of the art of listening.
The other question which emerges is that how we can learn the art of listening or what it is all about? The answer is simple the art of listening is very simple to understand and use in life. For this, we first need to understand why we all love to speak more. We all are made of a number of emotions, perceptions, and self-beliefs and mostly, we believe that what we think and believe is right; and everybody else is wrong; therefore, mostly we find it very difficult to listen to others.
Due to this reason, we either stop listening (maybe physically or mentally or both) to the other person or we interrupt him by giving our own point of view. We can easily see a race to speaking more in every group conversation. There is also a reason why people speak more because it is a perception in the minds of people who speaks more and are considered a knowledgeable person than the others. This concept may work truly for a group discussion; however, in real life, the art of living gives more rewarding results.
Therefore, with time, all people have mastered ourselves in the art of speaking more and listening less. However, when it comes to emotions, relationships, trust, and friendship then people who are good listeners have a clear edge over the others. Good listeners have more successful emotional and professional relations as compared to the people who speak more. The reason is simple good listeners provide enough emotional support for the other person thus creating a strong bond between each other.
We all can easily become a master of the art by simply understanding that listening is also important. We also need to avoid providing our personal solutions and fixtures to the other's problems; only by listening to their problems silently, we can easily help the other person by showing confidence in his abilities. We need to learn that it is better if people themselves find solutions to their problems.
When you will speak less and listen more, then you will reduce the chances of hurting the ego of others; thus ending up with more friends than enemies.
Mostly, we remain away from success in life because we ignore simple things like the art of listening. I hope that you will add the art of listening as the main tool to attain success in life.
Go to Success Mantra Lesson 1
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