Here are quotes for you that anyone must read when he is feeling sad or depressed. In today's life, we face many situations which cause sadness. It is very important for any person to come out of sadness or depression immediately because otherwise, the condition of a person may become more painful and he may further sink into depression or sadness. Below, you will read some healthy and positive quotes full of a positive attitudes toward life so that you can feel comfortable with yourself and come out of sadness in your life.
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1) Life will give you whatever experience-
Daily Thought with the meaning (Life will give you whatever experience) |
Life will give you whatever experience is the most for the evolution of your consciousness. Eckhart Tolle
This quote by Eckhart Tolle says that whatever phase of life, we are presently going through is important for the evolution of our consciousness. When we learn the lessons which life wants to give us, we become happier and emerge as a stronger human being. The only hard thing is to keep patience in this hard time. So have faith that this time will pass and you will evolve a much stronger human being.
2) The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts-
Daily Thought with meaning on Happiness |
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore, guard accordingly. Marcus Aurelius"
A man's destiny and his happiness are shaped by his thoughts. Mostly, people have no control over their thoughts and they become victims of negative thinking. Negative thinking creates negative emotions and negative emotions fill a person with sadness. Therefore, it is important to guard what we think and only allow positive thoughts to enter our minds so that we only have positive emotions and finally, happiness.
3) Happiness is just how you feel -
Happiness is just how you feel |
“Happiness is just how you feel when you don’t feel miserable.” John Lennon
Happiness is the creation of our minds like sadness. We can easily feel happy by shifting our emotions away from sadness. In life, we may not have full control our many situations; however, we can control what emotions we can allow entering into our minds.
4) The search for happiness is the main reason for unhappiness -
Daily Thought Image (The search for happiness is the main reason for unhappiness) |
"The search for happiness is the main reason for unhappiness. Accept the life as it comes, you will find happiness in every moment. "
The one of reasons for unhappiness in life is that we don't accept life as it is. We fight with the situation and create a hard time for ourselves. We can only change the situations in life when we first accept them, then only we can work to change. All this is a slow process and it takes time, So be patient and accept the present moment. When you start appreciating the present moment and stop your search for happiness, you find happiness.
5)Meaningless work exhausts life-
Daily Thought (Brahma Kumaris) (Meaningless work exhausts life) |
"Meaningless work exhausts life, creative work increases happiness and brightness. Brahma Kumaris"
We will feel happy or sad, it depends largely on the kind of work we do. When we don't enjoy what we do, we feel exhausted. When we do some creative work which we enjoy, we feel much happier and lighter. Therefore, if you are feeling sad or depressed, then indulge yourself in some creative work which you enjoy and soon, you will start feeling happier.
6) You feel good, you feel bad -
Daily Thought by Osho (You feel good, you feel bad) |
You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you. Nobody can make you angry, and nobody can make you happy.” Osho
It is not right to blame others for our unhappiness or sadness. Everything which is coming into our life is because of our past actions. However, we blame others and situations for the sadness and feel angry. On the hand, when we take responsibility for our situation and feed our consciousness with positive emotions, then we start feeling positive.
7) It's not what happens to you that determines your happiness-
It's not what happens to you (Daily Quote) |
"It's not what happens to you that determines your happiness. It's how you think about what happens to you. - Andrew Matthews"
Again, this quote highlights the importance of our thinking positive. We mostly feel sad or happy not because of the situation, but how we think about the situation. So do learn to not react negatively to the bad situations in life and soon, you will reduce a
lot of stress and sadness in your life.
8)Happiness does not depend -
Happiness does not depend on what you have |
"Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think. Buddha"
This quote has the same explanation as Quote 7.
9)What we've got to do is keep hope alive
What we've got to do is keep hope alive |
"What we've got to do is keep hope alive. Because without it we’ll sink.” John Lennon
Hope is something which has great positive power in it. By keeping our hope alive, we can add some positive energy to our lives and this positive energy can save us from sinking into sadness. So in a difficult situation in life never abandon hope and keep it alive how hard may be the time.
10) The only keeper of your happiness is you -
The only keeper of your happiness is you |
"The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude. Mandy Hale"
Lots of times in life, we feel sad because of others. This happens when we give too much importance to the people. When we give them importance, we also give them the power to control us. In such conditions, it is important to take this control back from the people and make our happiness only dependent on us. In this way, we can safeguard ourselves from the influence of negative people.