Do we Need Zoos or Not?

Zoo, need, Leapord,
Leopard in Zoo

Zoos are very popular in the present world and they are visited by millions of people across the world. Zoos are a great source of entertainment and learning for the people and especially kids. However, today we hear such debates that zoos needed to be banned and animals to be freed in the forests. Different people have different views on this topic, some people support zoos while others believe that zoos should be shut. 

Zoo, Emu
Emu Bird in a Zoo
 In my opinion, zoos are important for the society because they are doing many good jobs for the animals. Lots of rare animals have got shelter and safety in the zoos. Illegal killing of animals is very common across the world and due to this reason many animals have become extinct and many others are on the edge of getting extinct. Here zoos play a very crucial role by saving them and by providing them a safe environment to breed. 

 However, I remain concerned about the well being of animals in the zoos because many zoos across the world don’t meet the worldwide standards and here animals live under very bad conditions. We need to implement strong laws for operating zoos so that innocent animals don’t suffer in zoos. It should be made mandatory to provide enough space for animals in a zoo so that they can move freely. It should also be seen that all animals are fed properly and saved from harsh weather conditions. 

Bird, Cage, Zoo,
Bird in Small Cage
 Zoo licenses should only be given to people or organizations which meet the strict regulatory guidelines. Also, there is a need to set up an independent agency to see that animals are properly cared in the zoos or not. Moreover, zoos should involve in programs which allows animals got birth in a zoo to be released back in the jungles, so that zoos can give to forests what they have taken from it. 

Zoo, Children
Zoos for Child Education
Banning the zoos will not solve any problem because it will only create more problems for animals. Many ill and rare animals are surviving only because of the zoos because they care ill animals and provide safe haven for rare animals to increase their population. 
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