This is the original episode of last year. Last year, I was standing on the roof of my house. It had started getting some dark. I was feeling very sad. Life looked miserable to me. Every decision, I have taken up to now looked wrong to me. My confidence level was lowest and was feeling like a loser, who is not able to achieve anything. Luck does not look to be favouring me. Everything looks confusing at this point of time. Mind has come to a halt and it has accepted defeat. Body, mind and soul all are losing their equilibrium. Getting more frustrated while thinking about my future. For me no light of hope looks to be coming from anywhere. It looks as everything is lost. I have never been so much sad ever then what has happened now suddenly?
This may be the frustration of not achieving my desired goals. In this comparing world, I am finding myself losing grip of myself and my goals. Things have not gone as thought by me. Friends and relatives success are forcing self comparison in me and I am feeling ashamed of this state. Everybody is busy in his or her life and no help looks to be coming from anywhere and this is making me more and more helpless. Why is this happening to me? I am asking this question to God; however, like every time I received no reply.
Then suddenly my attention goes to a small dog playing in grass. I know him; he is same small puppy of my street. Puppy is alone, but still he looks very happy. He is rolling here and there. He is running and rolling on the grass like a mad dog. He looks like a most happy dog on this earth. His face is shinning like God. He looks like messenger of God. I looked at him and then at myself. Why this difference of happiness is present. Why this dog is happier than me?
If I compare myself with this dog, then I have much more than him. I have a job, a house and specially food for evening, where as the dog has to struggle for food in the evening. He has to even fight for all basic things of life. Certain chances are there that he may have to stay without food tonight; however, he is still happy, because he knows to live in this movement only. He not concerned about the future. He is enjoying present moment. He is not comparing himself with other dogs. He not frustrated by the happiness of other dogs.
Now by looking at myself, I have realized that I have gone lower than even a small dog in understanding life. My mental state is even poor than this innocent dog. What has happened to me? I have studied so many things. My knowledge level is much more than this small dog. However in happiness, he is a king and I am a beggar. The reason is clear; his happiness depends upon himself and not upon others. He is living in present and enjoying it. He doesn’t have very big goals to follow. He has no ego to satisfy.
Life is not achieving big dreams or creating wealth. It is much more than this. We lose most of our life in these issues. Most of the time in life, we remain busy in dreaming about our future or worrying about future. Or we remain busy in comparing our self with others. Why? Because, we have learned only this from society. Everybody around us is doing same thing. It is ok to Plan about future; however, it is wrong to miss our present while worrying about future. We all need to learn a lesson from this small puppy and start enjoying our life.