Acupuncture in treatment of High Blood Pressure

Acupuncture is present in our world from long time. In many parts of world, its authenticity is still a debatable issue. But many recent studies suggest that acupuncture can dramatically lower blood pressure. According to one such study, when low level of electrical stimulation was given at specific points on the front legs of rats lower the elevation in blood pressure. This study provides a setting stage for large-scale trails on humans and another option for healthcare practitioner treating high blood pressure patients.

This study proves that acupuncture can be an excellent complements to other medical treatments, especially those treating high blood pressure problems. This study cans convince those so far unconvinced especially Weston world that acupuncture can also lower blood pressure. This research will ultimately integrate acupuncture healing into medical treatments for lowering the blood pressure.

Team of researchers performed both manual and electro acupuncture. All the activities in both manual and electro acupuncture were performed. They used all methods available and also changed the variables. Results of both manual and electro acupuncture showed immediate and prolonged lowering of cardiovascular blood pressure. However blood pressure remains lower for 10 minutes longer with electro acupuncture. Results in electro acupuncture are achieved normally with lower frequency.

Result ranges between 44 and 39 % respectively. Combined stimulation of both the sets has caused no extra additive effect on the lowering of blood pressure. Acupuncture is available with many variable techniques; therefore this study provides a greater opportunity to understand the different type of acupuncture techniques. Acupuncture treatment is found to be successful on only patients with hypertension (high blood pressure) and has no effect on the healthy patient.

Goal of this study is to establish a standard of acupuncture treatment that can benefit everyone, who has high blood pressure and other cardiac ailments. Therefore acupuncture has established itself for being able to lower blood pressure. Thus acupuncture provides a big hope in the treatment of patients with cardiac disorders.
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